
8 is the magic number

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We took some time over the long weekend to reflect on what I have learned about myself so far (aside from the fact that I am an epic cocktail maker – but we all knew that anyway…)

As we enter week 8 of working from home, here’s 8 things that I have discovered on my journey so far;

1)   I am not as tech-savvy as I like to think; my first few Zoom meetings consisted of me claiming my camera was broken when in fact, I simply hadn’t turned it on.

2)   Loungewear. Is. Life. Jeans? Wearing jeans every day? Seriously? I’m terrified of returning to my workwear wardrobe!

3)   I miss my daily work routine and all that comes with it – My hour-long commute, pushing my way through the crowds in Leicester Square (got to get the step-count in) and paying £2 for a can of Diet Coke.

4)   Patience really is key. This is something my Mum will be very happy that I have discovered!

5)   Any form of communication to and from a loved one means more than I ever would have appreciated before.

6)   Bob the Builder has nothing on me – I will fix it! DIY tasks had never been my strong point in the past but now, with a new pink toolbox and a refreshed outlook, I have proven to myself that I can do the things I used to fear if I put my mind (along with best friends Google and YouTube) to it!

7)   Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is okay, if not completely normal, to not be okay all of the time!

8)   My inner child has been set free. I’m a big kid at heart. Disney+, puzzles, board games and colouring in being some of my new found sources of entertainment.

It is important that we take this time at home to self-reflect, to give ourselves some credit and a little pat on the back.

Hopefully, we can find inspiration in each other!

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