
How will AI revolutionise talent acquisition?

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On the 10th of August 2023, Seekhr Founder and Director, Jordan Stern, held an exclusive roundtable event for Senior Talent Leaders from VC backed businesses.

Recently there have been a lot of discussions around AI and how it is revolutionising the talent sector. However, with so many different tools out there, it can be tricky to know which ones to use in your company and how to get the most out of them.

Together, our talent leaders discussed how AI will revolutionise talent acquisition and how talent teams can use AI effectively, including:

  • Improving work-life balance
  • Automated talent sourcing
  • Ensuring tools are a cultural fit

Keep reading to see the key takeaways from their conversation.


Improving work-life balance


One key benefit of AI is improving teams’ work-life balance. One member of the conversation even suggested that AI and automation will lead to the introduction of four-day work weeks.

“These tools can start giving you a bit more capacity and work-life balance back, lead to less burnout and more people happy in their roles.”

In periods of economic down-turn, one of the biggest challenges faced is increased workload. When teams are reduced, the workload remains consistent. This workload is then passed onto the remaining members of the team, thus increasing pressure on staff to work later and longer to complete their tasks.

By increasing automation through the introduction of AI, this pressure is reduced, and your teams will be able to maintain a strong work-life balance.

Maintaining and improving employees’ happiness is incredibly important for getting the most out of your workforce, and this is one way that AI will revolutionise talent teams.


Automated talent sourcing


There are some concerns around AI making jobs redundant (a topic we delve into more in our second blog from this event), which is why our conversation covered the idea of automated talent sourcing.

One HR Leader shared how they were testing a tool that is automating talent sourcing. Holly AI is a “virtual recruiter” that sources candidates based on your job requirements and contacts them for you. A similar tool is currently being developed and tested by LinkedIn.

As these tools are still being developed and tested, it is certainly not going to replace your Talent Partners anytime soon. AI tools still require your input of data, iteration, checking and editing. However, the aim is that it will be able to free up your talent team’s time to focus on talent engagement instead of sourcing.


Ensuring AI is a good cultural fit


With all AI tools requiring prompt engineering skills for the foreseeable future, some are wondering whether or not the software is a good fit for your culture.

AI cannot be left unmonitored, and human input and review is required to reach your desired results. As a result, it’s likely that your company culture is not prepared for the introduction of these tools.

If your team aren’t accustomed to monitoring and reviewing the output of tools, it will be important to communicate these expectations clearly. A change in culture takes time, so it’s eneficial to be prepared to take these steps.


A big thank you to our HR Leaders


A big thank you to all of the HR Leaders who attended and contributed to this event, we hope you found it as useful and interesting as us. If you missed out on this event, but are interested in joining us at the next one, please get in touch at


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Seekhr is a recruitment agency specialising in people and talent hires, get in touch for support with your recruitment needs.

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